Action for Genomic integrity through Research!
Here's to luck in 2025 for AGiR! 🎉
Providing information and promoting research to help raise awareness about avoidable risks to health as we go into our 12th year of action together!
Join us for the General Assembly Meeting, 7 March 2025, in Echandens or virtually.
Write us at genomicintegrity (at) gmail (dot) com for more information or to RSVP...
As we celebrated our 11th anniversary last fall, we thought already that tattoo risks were to be considered next... (It's better to do this earlier, rather than later, it seems !)
But, what is most important, now, to focus upon, is hard to decide.
Hoping for more action after our next big annual meeting! =)
Concern about hair dyes started all of this... Then, of course, we focused particularly on smoking for the flyer campaign...
Can awareness on risks to dynamic genomic integrity from another very popular 'fashion' choice be encouraged, too ? Maybe the interplay of genetics with environmental factors will be more exciting than trying to fight the tattoo trend, with anti-ageing impacts to help drive interest? 2025 has so many other challenges to face - and the environment in particular has gotten the short straw... But changing habits can make a difference! We still hope AGiR! will make more impacts for public health...
Here is some older info: This was Ukrainian for what we had been saying in social media, just before the 10th anniversary (in 2023):
Цієї суботи нашому AGiR! виповнюється 10 років! Щоб допомогти "відсвяткувати", будь ласка, скажіть усім, кого ви знаєте, щоб вони отримували достатньо магнію та добре висипалися! (на додачу до уникнення діяльності та інгредієнтів, що викликають занепокоєння, які ви можете...)
(Here is the english version, that DeepL started from:
Our AGiR! had its 10th anniversary on Saturday 16 sept 2023! To help ‘celebrate’ this decade of raising public awareness, in the decade to come, too, please tell everyone you know to get enough magnesium & good nights’ sleeps! (in addition to avoiding the activities and ingredients of concern that you can...))
Wondering if people would like merch with this? mugs/tshirts?? This is a start... Tell us if you want more!
Hoping for peace still, with our one page summary, in Ukrainian!
(diyakuyou, Mariia!! So glad some brave soldiers were allowed to return to their families... -in reference to some great news in April 2023)
Rachel Aronoff
Seeing is Believing
image from the Corona Detective assay R&D, used for the Global Community Biosummit 2021
AGiR! will have its next big annual meeting on 7March2025. The association has already celebrated 11 years of activity, and the association looks forward to making more impact this year! Join us spreading the word, if you can! (& ask for your fave language if it is missing for the flyer, please...)
We keep learning more! Still very amazed by this paper that shows plants can 'deliver' mRNAs via membranes to fungal pathogen cells, where they are expressed to reduce infection! They've been termed 'lipid bubbles' and highlight a whole new aspect of genomic integrity!
Here is one example about how protecting our cells can affect our full body...
just putting on skin cream might help normalize blood levels of inflammatory cytokines!
A previous big news item was around how endogenous retroviruses may not just be bad news and can be found expressed widely in healthy tissues... This PLOSBio article discusses the issue more. It would be great to think that retroviral-related elements (some making up about 10% of our genomes!) are not just trouble...
Want to discuss this or other genomic integrity issues more? We will get back to you if you write us (via the form from the Contact Us page - see the menu)! =)
Thanks to everyone who took action to make more people aware of the risks of tanning booths and salons, especially for adolescents!
(We encouraged people to visit local tanning booth businesses with our old flyer (in the language preferred - Ukrainian is our 17th translation) and discuss risks to health that can be readily avoided.
Contact us if you would like to join in for future actions, and also act to sustain the future of AGiR!
(also, please let us know if you would like us to organize another special chocolate sale! =D )
materials design in ancient practices.
Shih Wei-Chieh
Shih Wei Chieh works with wearable art, e-textile, and laser audiovisuals. Focussed on how the discipline “art” could be expanded with “new media," his “Laser Dye” project in 2015 generated cyanotype images with a laser source.
To expand the connection between different communities by creating crafts commons, Shih founded Tribe Against Machine, an attempt/platform to link art, hacktivism, material science, and ancient culture.
@weiweiweiwear It seeks inspiration See more of his work for our ART Call!
materials design in ancient practices. He is based in Taiwan, and can be contacted...
AGiR! had its first general assembly meeting on 16 September 2013.
This image was used a couple of years ago, when our Swiss association celebrated its 8th anniversary!
With special links to the community laboratory Hackuarium, finding this cake in Instagram (by Stephanie Dillon, LS1 Hy-Vee), seemed very lucky! =)
'agir' (aahhh-jzeer' or IPA /a.ʒiʁ/ ) means 'to act' in French
The public service association, AGiR!, founded near the shore of Lake Geneva, in a French-speaking part of Switzerland, acts to provide information and promote research to help protect genomic integrity - even at this very instant, by you reading the start of this website!
Find out more by clicking in the menu (left)!
a new and improved landing site for our domain in general is still of interest- contact us, please if you are a keenie with ideas! =)
Please do continue to post the old flyers in your favorite language(s), especially where people still smoke cigarettes!
Our most recent submission for the Art Call was from an awesome artist, Shih Wei-Chieh - based in Taiwan! (see above! and get the zip link of more also diy in a way!)
More Art Call submissions are always very welcome!! Art helps for science communication, they say...
(sometimes adds incentive for funding, too - so designers do not shy off of contacting us too - your projects are essential - it is the interdisciplinarity that is amazing also in this community context, plus the ideal of life-long learning... Try it!)
**for those who just joined us: =)
Genomic integrity is meant to include all molecular and genetic elements of cells! Active maintenance of these molecules and their
free interplay is essential for proper dynamic function (aka 'health').
Action for Genomic integrity through Research (AGiR!) aims to both raise awareness of the many things we choose to do which impact genomic integrity and define reliable and quantitative measurements suitable for controlled human studies and risk analysis.
Easy ways to protect genomic integrity are also recommended!
Check it out! (click any menu item, left!)
See a 'still' version of the logo at higher resolution by clicking on it in the sidebar.
If you would like a quick 'take-home' about the key focus, aims and goals of this Swiss Association, please visit the 'Summary/Flyer' page, where translations of the
AGiR! flyer can now be found in many different languages!