Genomic integrity and Open Science in China
Post date: Oct 11, 2018 11:51:36 PM
It is very exciting to be participating in GOSH2018 this year, especially looking into open-source epifluorescence possibilities during a workshop yesterday! Perhaps the group from Bath, UK has a real possibility with an updated version of their OpenFlexure scope to move the comet cell data acquisition forward! (fingers crossed!)
Meeting members of the public was especially interesting yesterday, at xfactory! (thanks, Violet, for allowing the great party, too!). After such discussions, I really need to make good on my pledge to update this site, to another platform, it is clear; and I am putting the new flyer translation into the Hackuarium wiki, to make sure more people can see this and share its ideas (and I include the even smaller file here, as a preview, for those who can access it here).
(thanks again to Yanwu, Vivi, and others for their help and discussions !! Maybe one day in the not too distant future there will even be a Chinese side to this AGiR! site, as the issues are so crucial to all of us.)
It will also a great honour to be able to present the Hackuarium genomic integrity projects at the Shenzhen Maker Week-GOSH conference (Oct.14) to end the trip!
Hoping the #GOSH2018 Prezi goes smoothly! :)
(Long live open science!)