Meeting of the General Assembly
Post date: Feb 23, 2018 7:33:40 AM
The 5th General Assembly Meeting of AGiR! is coming up, and you are invited to participate!
If you are local, and can come in person, it will be held next Wednesday at 6pm in Renens at the Ateliers de Renens: Chemin du Closel 5. We will meet in a conference room on the third floor, to take care of the usual administrative details as a public service association, and discuss future plans!
The preliminary agenda and the charter of the association are available for your information (and input...).
Afterwards, as this is the same building where Hackuarium is also located, we can see the iGEM team presentation, and tour the whole site (fablab, FixME, maker space, and of course the labs, both biohacker space and P1). Have a look at some moss life and even your own cells, if you like! (You can consider taking part in the upcoming workshop to 'open source' DNA damage detection, too!)
If you cannot make it in person, but want to contribute, you can join us virtually!
Use the contact form (from the menu of this site) and we can try to skype or use googlehangout, during the meeting.
Even if you can't make it virtually during that time, we would be very happy for any feedback before the meeting. Again, feel free to use the contact form!
Thanks in advance for your interest and, as usual, take care.
Please find below additional info for all who couldn't make it for the meeting:
Here is the summary presented during the meeting (in French, although in the end most of the meeting was actually in English, since the majority that made it that evening were anglophones...).
Here is a picture of some of the participants afterwards...
The year to come will be exciting!
*You* can help, too!