The AGiR! Flyer Translated into Three More Languages!
Post date: Nov 24, 2015 10:12:41 PM
It has been a busy start to the third year of the existence of this public service association, AGiR!! Not only have there been more 'hot news' items than ever before, including the news of a Nobel prize in chemistry for DNA repair (!), but now there are three more languages for the flyer, ones that could help raise consciousness of so many more people in the world about avoidable risks to genomic integrity… in our cells and in those of all living creatures!
So, in this hot news post, also inspired by my recent work trip and the world situation, AGiR! is proud to announce translations of the flyer into Arabic, Hebrew and Russian (simply in alphabetical order, you may also note...)! Thank you to everyone who helped make this 'three for the third' effort a reality, especially AI, DAM, BM, RH, AE and LNG! You are all stars!!