Prezi getting seen!
Post date: Sep 02, 2014 8:38:1 PM
Already the Slideshare show has had 2136 views, but the Prezi about DNA damage and its repair has been slow to get off the ground (out into the net consciousness). But now there are some numbers that can be mentioned: 85 views - and even a like! (and Prezi uses hearts instead of thumbs-up, which is nice...) Looking forward to some feedback, next!
Come on, you out there, concerned and wanting to act.
Something to anticipate is planned, too! To go along with the launch of the Spanish side of AGiR! (unfortunately delayed), there will be something new going on for those of a more artistic bent (although chemists are needed too, please), something that could also be considered ripe fodder for Prezis... Hoping this might aid outreach, and attract some interest!
Take care!