Wikimedia Commons - science photo contest, 2015!
Post date: Nov 03, 2015 6:13:41 PM
It's November, and the Wikimedia Commons Science photo contest is on all this month!
Maybe there will be some entries related to genomic integrity?
One key rule is that 'good concrete descriptions' of the photos are essential!
Additionally, the competition will not be limited to just 'classical' images, but include linked images…
Check it out!
Update added 10nov15:
It is easy to upload images to the wikimedia commons for this contest!
I just put in the exclamation point and the 'i' from the AGiR! logo in as a little test (and to help spread the word, for genomic integrity for us all)!
This is the explanatory information, I put down for the 'i' image, for example...
This is the letter 'i' used in the logo of the public service group, AGiR! Action for Genomic integrity through Research!, which is based on two wikimedia images, the globe from the File: Erioll world 2.svg from Adrien Facélina, and one turn of the DNA helix from Zephyris (2011), put together with a pale sea-foam green quadrilateral. The scientific point is that functional nucleic acids are essential for life, and that taking care of them is an environmental challenge people need to consider!
(Hoping Zephyris - who may really be called Richard Wheeler, I just found out - and Adrien F. will be happy about this too!! Thanks!)
Maybe I should also put in some of the cool micrographs from my lab work and teaching experiences?
Why don't you, too, if you have something to include??