Multiplex for #CoronaDetective
Post date: Jul 31, 2020 5:38:19 PM
As the pandemic continues, we are happy to know that the molecular detection of SARS CoV-2 has achieved a special milestone, so-called 'multiplex detection' of two different targets at once, one an internal control to show the extraction and reaction were both good, and the other for detecting the virus causing Covid-19.
This is a big deal, because it means one 8-tube strip can analyse 5 different samples, not just 2.
The team is gearing up to send detectors off to colleagues (Guy in Paris) and test more target combinations (two different internal controls and another viral one, Rachel -me- in Lausanne).
Ultimately the best combination of control and viral target reaction components will be freeze-dried in Paris and sent to colleagues (in many sites, from Chile to Cameroon and Germany to Ghana) for validation.
The 96-well format can also be tested, for scaling up capacity, particularly if labs have BSL2/3 and plate readers!
Fingers crossed, our efforts, begun as a project in the OpenCovid-19 Initiative, will be of help far and wide.
In the meantime, take care!
It's easy to remember the 3 Ws.
Wash hands before touching your face!
Wear masks!
Watch your physical distances (at least 2m or 6ft - and if not, must have masks)!